TiVo Party Tonight: SpinneretteThe new band led by frontlady Brody Dalle, Spinnerette sounds less like her former band, the Distillers, and ex-husband Tim Armstrong (Op Ivy, Rancid), and more like a mix of Joan Jett and Vivian Girls. Spinnerette is doing Letterman ...
On TV: Spinnerette, The Script, Twisted Sister | rockdirt.com
Rock acts on television this week include: Spinnerette perform on 'The Late Show with David Letterman' (CBS) on Monday. The Script perform on 'The View'
Spinnerette – Spinnerette | popwreckoning
The signature Brody voice may be the front woman behind Spinnerette, but the impassioned, stick-it-and-DIY! powerhouse that all but carried the aesthetic of punk is still buried in the past. The self-titled album cover may sum it up for ...
RTV Channel » Spinnerette is the sound of a sweaty black leather ...
Spinnerette is the sound of a sweaty black leather glove holding a lollipop's stick, shoving it into crushed glass before offering you the first lick. If that made any sense, it might be Spinnerette. There is sweetness and there is ...
The Donnybrook Writing Academy » Spinnerette | Spinnerette
And it's not like Dalle would be offended by such a seeming digression anyway; she knows the score well enough that she graced the back cover of her new combo Spinnerette's debut long-player with a close-up photo of what seems to be her ...
Spinnerette on Letterman | spinnerettemusic.com
Spinnerette on Letterman. Posted July 13th, 2009 by Cupid. Catch Spinnerette on the Late Show with David Letterman on Monday July 20th. Go to lateshow.cbs.com on Monday July 20th for more info. Login or register to post comments ...
Spinnerette | Music | A.V. Club
... Dalle makes Spinnerette a showcase for her ability to trade styles with equal facility, from clipped, rocking new wave (the uber-catchy “Geeking,” with its throwback double-tracked vocal) to the grungy closer (“A Prescription For ...
Review / Spinnerette - Spinnerette / Releases / Releases ...
'All Babes Are Wolves' is a brief Dalle-by-numbers pummeler that gives way to Spinnerette's lowest ebb, an anaesthetising jeremiad called 'Cupid' on which our heroine bemoans something or someone in an allegorical address too clunky to ...
The Singles Jukebox » Spinnerette – Baptized by Fire
Anthony Miccio: Listening to Spinnerette after reading the negative review in Pitchfork, I felt the writer missed the fun Brody Dalle was having and spent too much time sweating what “the point” was. Sadly, this track is so much the ...
Name female rockers...?
Just wanted to know if anyone has any new info on when their album is suppose to come out?
Any new Spinnerette news?
Brody Dalle's band "Spinnerette" which her hubby Josh Homme has helped her on. This song is called "Ghetto Love". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMn5lzwk7zg Whaddya think?Idiot kid, yeah she looks great in the video.. its hard to look away its so eye catching! lol shreder you're talking about Pennywise! he hasn't been around in forever.. he's a big Homme fan
Anyone heard this *newer* Spinnerette (Brody Dalle) song?
Just wondering if there is any new spinnerette news out there. I downloaded the valium knights single about a month ago and the last i heard they where on tour in LA. Has there been any info on when the album will be released?
Any spinnerette news?
I know Brody Dalle stopped work on the album for a few months because she wasn't happy with the way things were going; but I haven't heard anything since. Does anyone know? Thank you
Does anyone know when the Spinnerette album is out?
I have sent my e-mail yesterday to their site and now it has been over 24 hours and i'm still not getting the link to the song VALIUM KNIGHTS. Can someone PLEASE tell me what the hell is going on? and if someone has the link, can someone send it to me?
Look how many?
I found it difficult to chose between Agent M [the action design] and Brody Dall [Spinnerette] vocals As for male ,I love male band vocalist/screamer. who is your favorite vocalist/screamer in bands?
your favorite band vocalist? Female or male vocalist/screamer?
I LOVE the distillers and cant wait for Spinnerette to start releasing music, but ive been waiting for so long. Does anyone know the release date for their first single.
When is the band "Spinnerette" (With the girl from The Distillers) going to release their first song?
So iv been on myspace... and on the distillers web site. Iv read through many of Brody's boring blogs and watched as she's had her second child and such. But she was apparently starting that new band "Spinnerette". I am still awaiting any more info on this band. does anyone know anything about that? does anyone know is she married Josh Homes? and any idea on how old she now days?
What ever happened to Brody Dalle?
Anybody have any new info on them? I was keeping tabs on it but I've let it slip. Have they put music out yet?Brody and Tony, the distillers.
- Spinnerette is an American alternative rock band, consisting of Brody Dalle, Tony Bevilacqua (both former members of The Distillers), Jack Irons (Red Hot Chili Peppers, Pearl Jam, Eleven) and Alain Johannes (Queens of the Stone Age, Eleven). Dalle announced the emergence of the band in March 2007.
- The band was signed to Sire Records before negotiating their way out of their record contract, and has released one demo song on their website called "Case of the Swirls". The band is now signed to Anthem Records. In early January 2008, a 'mash-up' of material Spinnerette have been working on appeared on their official website and official MySpace page. A full album was released June 17, 2009.
- On August 8th 2008 a blog was posted on the band's MySpace announcing that fans can now hear the first song from the upcoming album via the band's official website. The song is called "Valium Knights". More recently, Brody played a live version of "Driving Song" with Queens Of The Stone Age as a backing band for the Natasha Shneider benefit concert. Lyrics for the song have been posted on Spinnerette's MySpace page.
- Through their newsletter sent out to mailing list subscribers in October 2008, and later on their web site that Spinnerette was to perform several dates throughout October with the following lineup:
- Brody Dalle has stated in an interview that there will be a different line-up when she tours the album. "Spinnerette isn't a band, it's me and whichever musicians I want to work with at the time."
- The current lineup is unknown, as there is no mention of Alain Johannes or Jack Irons, supposedly considered bandmates, in recent interviews.
- Spinnerette released a digital EP Ghetto Love, via their official website on December 11th, 2008. It features four songs: "Ghetto Love", "Valium Knights", "Distorting a Code", "Bury My Heart" and a video of "Ghetto Love" directed by Liam Lynch. Two of these tracks, "Valium Knights" and "Ghetto Love", have been featured at Marc Jacobs' 2009/2010 Fall ready-to-wear fashion show.
- Brody posted a reply on her twitter that the video for "Baptized By Fire" would start shooting on May 23, 2009.
- On May 27, 2009, the following was posted on the band's website: "We are stoked to announce that we’ll be joining the Leeds & Reading Festival line-up this year. Spinnerette are playing 28 August at Leeds and 29 August at Reading, on the same day as our friends the Arctic Monkeys and Eagles of Death Metal."
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